Examinations Team
At Blackburn College we have a dedicated Examinations team to ensure you are able to undertake your examinations in a professional environment, receive your results in a timely fashion and hold your certificates in a safe place.
Where to find us?
Located in the Beacon Centre Atrium we are here for you Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm. If you have any queries regarding certification, examinations or examination access arrangements, please give us a call on 01254 292929.
Frequently Asked questions
Where can I get details of examination timetables?
Examination Timetables are displayed in the examination notice boards located in The Beacon Centre Atrium, University Centre Reception, Sixth Form Centre Atrium and electronically on Student Moodle and Staff Intranet.
What should I do if I have two examinations timetabled at the same time?
If you are unlucky enough to find you have more than one examination timetabled for the same day and time, you must come to Registry and fill in a Clash form as soon as possible. You will get a letter informing you of the arrangements, so please read it very carefully. In some cases the Examination Boards need to give permission for you to sit an examination at a different time, and there are deadline dates for these requests. If you do not inform the Examination Staff in time, you may not be allowed to sit the examination.
What should I do if I turn up late for an examination?
Report to your designated examination room and inform the invigilator. Late arrival for JCQ examination board qualifications (AEA / GCE / GCSE / GNVQ / ELC) require a report for the late arrival of any candidates into the examination room and the awarding body have the right not to accept your script.
What should I do if I am ill on the day of an examination?
If you are ill at any time during an examination period or are ill on the day of an examination you should contact your personal tutor and the examinations department as soon as possible.
What should I do if I can’t attend an examination on the date timetabled?
If you cannot attend an examination on the day/time scheduled (e.g. hospital appointment, jury duty,etc.) you should contact your personal tutor for further advice. Documentary evidence may be required.
Examination Locations
Examinations can be located in any building within the campus.
Please check the timetable and use our campus map to find your examination room.
- BC - Beacon Centre
- CT - Construction Technology CentreHC - Harrison Centre
- EB - Elizabeth Building
- SP - St Paul's
- TC - The Future Centre
- V - Victoria
- UC - University Centre
- RA - RATH (Regional Automotive Technology Hub)
GCSE Maths and English
Arrive for 8:30am for a 9:30am start.
Please ensure you attend all your GCSE Maths and/or English lessons on your timetable. It is compulsory for all students to sit all of the papers in the summer exam. This includes both papers for English and all three for Maths.
Academic Coach Team
The team are here to ensure that you are happy at the University Centre at Blackburn College and engaged successfully with your studies. We provide pastoral support, offering advice and techniques to cope with the common pressures associated with studying at Higher Education level.
Support available to you
You can see any of our Academic Coaches about the following:
- Assignment writing (including related skills)
- Referencing (various types as per course requirements)
- Critical/analytical writing
- Exam preparation and performance
- Presentation skills
- Proofreading techniques
- Time management, organisation, and action planning
- Research/dissertation skills and editing
- Reflective writing skills
- Bespoke workshops
Meet the team
Book a one-to-one session with any of our Academic Coaches by contacting them via email at academic.coach@blackburn.ac.uk or, by giving them a call on the phone numbers below.

Azara Jamsa
Academic Coach
Telephone: 01254 292819
Azara can help you with:
- Assignment writing
- Referencing (Harvard and APA)
- Critical writing
- Presentations
- Exam preparation and performance
- Proofreading tips and tricks
- Dissertation/Research

Paula White
Academic Coach
Telephone: 01254 292387
Paula can help you with:
- Assignment writing
- Referencing (Harvard)
- Critical writing
- Presentations
- Exam preparation and performance
- Proofreading tips and tricks
- Dissertation/Research

Ian Cran
Access and Participation Officer
Telephone: 01254 292895
Email: Ian.Cran@blackburn.ac.uk
Ian can help you with:
- Maximising your attendance
- Supporting your return to studies
- Overcoming your barriers to study
Success Centre
Student Voice
Jacqueline Rimmer is your Student Voice, Participation and Enrichment Coordinator here at the college. Jacqueline's dedicated drop-in time is 3pm - 4pm on Wednesdays in BC001, but don't worry if you can't make that time, stop by another time and say hello.

Jacqueline Rimmer
Student Voice, Participation and Enrichment Coordinator
For more information you can contact Jacqueline at Jacqueline.Rimmer@blackburn.ac.uk, on 01524 292829 or pop into BC001.