Blackburn College is committed to providing a safe and inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, staff, and visitors, ensuring that every individual feels respected and supported.
The College provides a chaplaincy service that offers pastoral care and support to students of all faiths and beliefs. In addition to facilitating Jumu’ah (Friday) prayers on campus, the chaplaincy service is available to provide guidance and a listening ear to those who seek it.
To further support students, the College works closely with the Blackburn with Darwen Interfaith Forum, which represents six major world religions. This partnership ensures that students from different faith backgrounds can access appropriate support and guidance from their respective religious leaders.
The College also provides multi-faith facilities across three locations on campus. The main centre, known as the ‘Peace Place,’ is designed to accommodate individual prayer, meditation, and collective activities that align with its spiritual ethos. These spaces serve as places for quiet reflection, contemplation, and spiritual thought, open to all members of the College community, regardless of faith or belief.
The Peace Place
(Beacon Centre 1st Floor)
Male: BC130
Female: BC131
(BC130 and BC131 can be made into one large room)
Ladies Prayer Room
(Sixth Form Centre Ground Floor)
Prayer Room
(University Centre Blackburn College 1st Floor)
Male: UC128
Female: UC128b