Information for Parents & Carers
At Blackburn College, we want to work in partnership with the parents and carers of our students, to increase their chances of success. We understand that as young people transition into adulthood, there are lots of new opportunities and responsibilities they must navigate, and together with parents and carers, we can make that a little easier.
Explore this section to see how we will support your young person and how you can help them have the greatest College experience possible.
- Personal Tutor - Every student has a Personal Tutor who will be able to provide updates on their progress. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with them and they will be able to advise further.
- Parent Portal - This is an online platform where you can check your young person’s progress and achievement. You can find out what grades they are achieving and what their attendance rate is. You will be sent a log-in to the system after main enrolment.
- Parents Evening - We have two parents evening a year, when you can come in to college and meet with tutors to discuss progress in detail. You will receive an invite with instructions on what to do, well in advance of the evening. Please look at the events page for dates.
- Term Dates - Please click here for information on our term dates.
GCSE Summer Exam Dates 2025
Maths Exams
Maths Paper 1 - 15th May
Maths Paper 2 - 4th June
Maths Paper 3 - 11th June
English Exams
English Paper 1 - 23rd May
English Paper 2 - 6th June
All exams start at 9.30am
Careers Resources
We want to make sure that all students consider all the opportunities and make well informed decisions about their futures. As a parent/carer, you have the greatest influence on the career decisions your young person will make and we know it can be tricky knowing what to advise, especially if they are interested in subjects or jobs, you have no experience of.
We encourage all students to take up the offer of an individual appointment with a qualified careers adviser. They will be contacted during their studies to arrange the appointment and you are welcome to attend the appointment with them if you wish.
Please also look at the resources below, which provide some useful careers information.
- Careers Programme - Information on the Blackburn College Careers Programme.
- Talking Futures - Resources to support you with careers conversations with your young person.
- Lancashire Careers Hub - For information on Lancashire's workforce.
- National Careers Service - For advice and information on careers.
- UCAS - For information on applying to university.
- Prospects - For advice and information on graduate careers.
- Financial Support for 16-18 Year Olds - Please click here for more information on the financial support available to students during their studies.
- Trips & Visits Payments - During their studies, students may bring home information about trips and visits. If you need to make a payment this can be done online by clicking here.
- Pastoral Support - We have a dedicated team of professional support workers who offer assistance to students who may be facing difficulties with personal, or home life issues. For more information click here.
- Reporting Absences - You must let us know if your young person cannot attend their classes. You can report this via any of the following ways:
Email -
Phone - 01254 292929
Text - 07471216629
College News - For all the latest news about College.
If there is anything you would like to tell us, positive or negative, please complete the form below.