Entry Requirements
No formal entry requirements.
Study Mode
Part time.
28 weeks.
Check with your Spanish Tutor.
Key features and Benefits
- Study at one of the Top 3 Colleges in England*
- Benefit from smaller class sizes, more 1-to-1 support and accessible resources
- Fantastic learning facilities
- Rated "Good" by Ofsted in all areas - as of January 2022
Throughout the duration of this course you will learn how to develop essential conversational skills and everyday vocabulary. You will be able to confidently communicate with colleagues and partners as well as using it in your workplace to support pupils or Spanish speakers settle and integrate in our community.
Make an Enquiry
What will I study?
- Greetings - from a simple hello and goodbye to common phrases
- Personal Information - learn how to tell someone your Date of Birth, where you're from and general information about you
- Asking for directions
- Travelling (Buying tickets)
- Grammatical structures
- Gender agreement
- Singular/plural formation
- Pronouns
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for this course.
How will I be assessed?
There aren't any exams during your Spanish course. You'll build a portfolio of work throughout the duration of your course and it's ideal for you to keep your images and notes with you.
What can I do next?
Use the language you've learnt to speak confidently and support pupils in schools or Spanish speakers settle and integrate in our community.
Add it to your CV - letting a potential employer know you can speak another language can improve your chances of gaining a job.
Or you can progress onto the intermediate course to become an interpreter in the community.
We are proud to be one of the Top 3* Colleges in England for A-Levels and Technical Courses.
*In the Government's latest achievement tables for learners aged 16-18.