Entry Requirements
You will need 4 GCSEs at grade 5 or above with at least a grade 4 in GCSE Maths and English Language. You will need a grade 5 in GCSE Geography.
Study Mode
Full time
2 academic years
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Key features and Benefits
- Dedicated Sixth Form Centre - for both study and social space
- Study at one of the Top 3 Colleges in England*
- 4 day timetable - use your 5th day for independent study
- Experienced Tutors - over half are A-Level Examiners
The world we live in is changing, Geography allows us to see why and how it is changing.
The world we live in is changing. Geography allows us to see why and how it is changing. It can enhance communication skills, literacy and numeracy skills, IT literacy, spatial awareness, team-work and problem solving skills, as well as environmental awareness.
Geography combines well with both arts and science subjects. Geography is highly valued by universities as an A Level choice. The Russell Group report published in 2011 names geography as one of the eight facilitating subjects. This is a subject most likely to be required or preferred for entry to degree courses and choosing facilitating subjects will keep more options open to you at university. In 2015 The Guardian identified geography as the 'must-have A Level'.
What will I study?
So, what will you study at A-level? You will cover both the physical and human environments and the complex interaction of processes that shape our world. It will also, importantly, show the applied side of the subject - how human intervention affects the environment and how people adapt and mitigate the effects of processes on their environment. There is plenty of room for discussion and extended research, which will help you become an independent thinker and learner. By the time you get to your exams, you will be able to show your understanding of a range of opinions and be able to illustrate your answers with case studies from local, national and international examples.
You will learn in a wide variety of ways, using maps, GIS skills, data analysis, photos, videos, and podcasts, as well as attending lectures, study days and field studies. You will be encouraged to frame your own questions using higher level thinking skills and show your grasp of complex issues through report and essay writing. Fieldwork will be an essential part of your A Level course and will require you to undertake a research investigation of your choosing, collecting your own evidence and reaching your own conclusions.
Geography students study a range of Human and Physical topics and explore how their own actions can relate to the wider world. Students will undertake geographical fieldwork and research as well as develop their geographical skills and their confidence in working with statistical techniques.
Physical topics:
- Tectonic hazards and processes
- Coastal landscapes and change
- The water cycle and water insecurity
- The carbon cycle and energy insecurity.
Human topics:
- Globalisation
- Regenerating Places
- Superpowers
- Geopolitics and Health
- Human Rights and Intervention.
You will also study Fieldwork which is a compulsory part of the A-Level Geography programme. This will be for at least 4 days.
Entry Requirements
You will need 4 GCSEs at grade 5 or above with at least a grade 4 in GCSE Maths and English Language. Please note that for A-Level Geography you will need a grade 5 in GCSE Geography.
How will I be assessed?
A-Level students will be assessed by written exams. There are three written examinations at the end of your programme. One of these focuses on your Fieldwork and allows you to conduct an investigation.
What can I do next?
Most students go onto university to study for a variety of geography related degrees. The subject combines well with both humanities and science subjects and is relevant in a wide variety of careers including environmental management, planning, finance, tourism and teaching.
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We are proud to be one of the Top 3* Colleges in England for A-Levels and Technical Courses.
*In the Government's latest achievement tables for learners aged 16-18.