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The founder of a ladies only networking group has returned to Blackburn College, which was a source of inspiration for her to set up the group.
A Blackburn College student is celebrating after being named as Construction/Manufacturing Apprentice of the Year at the Lancashire Apprenticeship Awards 2022.
Blackburn College Business Students welcomed EG Group to speak to them about how they train their employees.
Representatives from the Department for Education have been given the first look at Blackburn College’s new Hybrid Electric Automotive Training (HEAT) facility.
A group of Blackburn University Centre students have seen off competition from universities in the North West to reach the national finals of Young Enterprise.
Business women from across the North West joined together to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022 at an event held at Blackburn College.
Four Blackburn Sixth Form students are in the running for a Peel Foundation Scholarship Award.
Blackburn College has been awarded “Good” across the board by Ofsted, since being judged as “Requires Improvement”.