Paloma Wood
Studied: BA (Hons) Criminology Criminal Justice
Now: Working as Changing Futures Navigator

Zeeshan Mohammad
Studied: BA (Hons) Criminology
Now: Masters in law here at University Centre at Blackburn College

Karolina Rokita
Studied: BA (Hons) Illustration & Animation

Kieran Youd
Studied: BA (Hons) Illustration & Animation

Alexandra Mullen
Studied: BA (Hons) Positive Practice with Children & Young People
Now: Masters in International Safeguarding at UCLan

Laura-Jane Clark
Studied:BA (Hons) Social Care and Well being
Now: Working for drug and alcohol services

Crystal Feast
Studied: FDA Working with Children and Young People

Elizabeth Thompson
Studied: LLB (Hons) Law
Now: Working in the property Industry

Lisa Townsend
Studies: Psychology BSc (Hons)
Award winning Humanities and Social Science research at the Lancaster University Undergraduate Conference